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28 February 2012

FollowUp 2: Sailors Embrace

This time it is not Sailors per se (the Marine Corps is a branch of the Navy, but members are called Marines) and it is not a first kiss before the rest of the crew, but a Marine coming home to his partner in Hawaii has gone viral.  The handsome hunks embraced and are now all over the news.  British newsFlorida News. And interviewed on Hawaii News, where we learn that it was a first kiss of a different sort.

Think Progress has a video that includes a quote from Marine Corps Base Hawaii spokesperson Lt. Diann Olson, who said "It's your typical homecoming photo." This was not understated.  Now that we are beyond DADT, it is simply normal.  A wider shot would have undoubtedly included dozens of similar embraces.  When returning from an overseas tour, this is what couples do.

Apparently, Sgt. Morgan and Mr. Wells are new heroes of OutServe, the Association of Actively Serving LGBT Military Personnel.  They did what will soon be unremarkable.  Just ordinary Americans, one a military hero and his partner.

Thanks to Joe My God for the heads up.

22 December 2011, Original Pedantic Political Ponderings post.

28 December 2011, FollowUp 1.

5 March 2012, FollowUp 3.

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