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17 November 2011

Praise: University of Washington on LGBT Caring and Aging with Dignity

A new study on elderly LGBT has been released from researchers at the University of Washington School of Social Work.  The study is disturbing in that it finds numerous problems for elderly LGBT people.

Some additional data from the report
One in ten LGBT older adults who participated in the project have been denied healthcare or provided with inferior care. Nearly one-quarter of transgender older adults have needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost. Fifteen percent of LGBT older adults fear accessing healthcare outside the LGBT community, and 8% fear access-ing healthcare inside the community. Bisexual older women (16%) fear accessing healthcare services inside the LGBT community at nearly three times the rate of lesbians (6%) and are less likely to have a primary physician or healthcare provider than lesbians.
The full study and considerable more information are available at a new website, Caring and Aging with Pride.  We need information like this to move forward with fair and equal care of all.

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